01252 36 46 91 30 Grosvenor Road, Aldershot, GU11 3EB Mon - Fri(9 am - 6 pm) / Sat & Sun - Closed

Renewing your SIA Security Licence

When your current licence expires, you must apply for a renewal if you wish to continue working in the same position. You cannot renew a licence unless you have a current licence in that sector.

PLEASE NOTE: you must apply for a new licence if your current one has already expired.

You can apply to renew your licence 4 months before your current licence expires. You will not lose time on your new licence by renewing early – any time left on your current licence will be added onto your new one.

Application Fee

The application fee for a renewal and a new licence is the same: £184.

The fee is discounted by 50% if ALL of the following are true:

  • you already hold another licence for a different licensable activity
  • you paid the full application fee for that licence
  • that licence has more than 4 months left to run